A Response to A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
The young girl stands rigid with fear as she gazes down the long, treacherous road. She knows it is her duty to continue, to proceed, but she just can’t seem to take the first small step for fear of what may come if she does. Fear is a concept in everyone’s lives that we all have to deal with. Whether it be fear of growing up, failure, or something as common as spiders, every person on this planet is terrified of something. In A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Francie must face her own fears and uncertainties as she continues down the road of her life. Learning how to deal with fear is a necessary concept to succeed.
When someone is afraid of something, they tend to hide from it or ignore it, pretending it isn’t there at all. While it may not be the truth, it comforts the person and assures them they have nothing to worry about. Then, when he least expects it, he has to face his fear and make a choice as to whether he wants to defeat it or run away from it like a coward. If you run away, you are therefore going back to pretending its existence was all a sham. You will be safe for now, but fear will always find away to strike again. The ones who face their fears by saying they’re not afraid and defeat their terrors with pride, end up being the most successful in life.
While it may seem like fear is unavoidable, that doesn’t mean people have to fear all things potentially threatening. Fear can take over your mind and destroy your bravery with doubt, but not everything is to be feared. If you learn how to deal with your fears and face your own treacherous road in life, you will succeed and be a stronger person.
I think this was a pretty well written essay. One of the main things I look for is if you sound like an adult in your paper. You did sound like an adult and that is what people are looking for. Someone who sounds sofisticated. One of the things that you should change is that it's more talking about your life and the people that are in real life's life and not about Francie's life or Mama's life or anyone else's life. If you do that, it's kind of like explaining what Francie is going through in the Main Theme from innocence to experience. Overall though, well written essay and I think you really have a grasp on what fear is and I think you know how she is doing with fear because that is what she is doing with her fear, now all you have to do is refer to her.